Being obese is serious, there's no two ways about it, but if you
are reading this and you are obese, then you have made the most
important first step, which is that you are now beginning to focus on
the best diet you can find to treat your obesity.
Just bear in mind that if you are to succeed in getting your weight down, and away from the serious health risks that obesity brings with it, then you are looking at an initial 3 to 6 month plan, and from then on, a way of life that should include exercise on a regular basis and basically a complete change to your initial way of life - but one where your new life will deliver incredible new dividends.
So, to bring your weight down as fast of possible you will have to significantly reduce your intake of saturated fats and refined processed carbohydrates and all the additional junk food.
Scrap red meat immediately and hit the lean meat, preferably just fish which include beneficial fats. Go for low carbohydrate vegetables and low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.
You will need to calculate how many calories you need daily for your health. Websites can do that for you. However, do not restrict calories, instead restrict carbohydrates, as refined carbohydrates are the major cause of weight gain and obesity.
Refined carbohydrates or also known as "processed" carbohydrates are such things as bread, pizza, cakes, cereals, buns, rolls, ice cream, pasta, tacos, potato chips/crisps, sweets, candy, store bought cooked meats/cold cuts, sausages/hot dog frankfurters cookies, biscuits, chocolate, all sodas, sugars and foods containing corn syrup, etc.
So, what should your daily allowance of carbohydrates for weight loss be?
Well, the answer can vary according to your levels of activity. The can range is from 30 up to 70 grams daily. However, 70 grams daily is extremely generous and is usually only intended for those who are engaging in cardio exercise and weight training.
Therefore, the normal low carbohydrate range is 20 to 45 grams a day. You must determine how strict you need to be but the best way is to experiment but be tough with yourself to begin with, and then discover what amount works well for you as an dieter.
So once you have restricted your daily carbohydrates (rather than calories) the following path is considered the BEST way to do proceed:
Method: Benign Dietary Ketosis
The term "benign dietary ketosis" was in fact supposedly coined by Dr Atkins, from his diet, the Atkins Diet. Ketosis in this case is described to manifest when your body undergoes significant carbohydrate restriction.
The benefits are argued to include an improved state of well being, a suppressed appetite and a substantial loss of pounds and inches. Please note that you should consult your doctor before you decide to eradicate almost all carbohydrates from your diet.
The reason that benign dietary ketosis is suggested to work well is that most obese men and women are insulin resistant, normally without being aware of it. Being resistant to insulin will mean you gain weight quicker and also find it difficult to lose weight as it's considered harder to count calories rather than carbs.
Currently statistics state that 3 out of 4 Americans and adults form Britain are addicted to carbohydrates. Unfortunately, the average dietary daily intake of carbs for Brits and Yanks is about 350 grams. Sadly, most of those carbs are "processed" carbohydrates.
The key therefore to losing body fat quickly is to completely shift your body from burning carbs to burning fats. To achieve this, it is necessary to cut or if not completely eradicate ones intake of "processed" carbohydrates. If you cut your intake of carbohydrates, your bodies metabolism will then automatically shift to burning your fat stores which is when you will begin see your weight drop - quite dramatically in some cases.
Going on a low carb diet however is not unhealthy, as long as you get at least 30 grams of "unprocessed" carbohydrates per day as opposed to 350 grams daily! Make sure you also drink plenty of water and eat a stable diet of quality of proteins and good "healthy" fats.
To see if your are successful at achieving the state of "benign dietary ketosis", you can take a urine test with some Reagant Strips known as "Ketostix" obtainable from your local chemist. Once that the reading appears in the "small" or "trace range", this will mean that your are experiencing a maximum rate of fat loss.
In order to maintain a healthy body there is no minimum daily carb limit, but just make sure you get those carbohydrates from natural sources such as (preferably organic) fresh fish, leafy green vegetables low in starch and not a high carbohydrate fruit such as banana, but low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.
However, it's obvious that regular weight and strength training and cardio exercise such as swimming, walking and cycling are also particularly helpful when your body feels it has lost enough body fat to be able to carry this out with no discomfort.
However, no pain equals no gain as they say, so even if you feel too embarrassed to get down the gym or simply still too overweight, those that succeed simply just get on with it. If your physical appearance is stopping you getting out there, purchase some "free weights" and start working out at in the comfort of your own home. Stick on some tunes and build your own positive mindset.
For example, proper strength training at home or down the gym, will increase your amount of lean muscle, which is your "METABOLIC FURNACE" that will burn extra energy consistently 24 hours a day.
Similarly, brisk walking or some intense cycling for several miles daily will speed up your metabolism. However, if you were to then go on and plow through your weight training program with the assistance of an additional powerful fat burning supplement - during and immediately after your routine - this dietitians argue will help both obese men and women on this diet see the most rapid results.
Just bear in mind that if you are to succeed in getting your weight down, and away from the serious health risks that obesity brings with it, then you are looking at an initial 3 to 6 month plan, and from then on, a way of life that should include exercise on a regular basis and basically a complete change to your initial way of life - but one where your new life will deliver incredible new dividends.
So, to bring your weight down as fast of possible you will have to significantly reduce your intake of saturated fats and refined processed carbohydrates and all the additional junk food.
Scrap red meat immediately and hit the lean meat, preferably just fish which include beneficial fats. Go for low carbohydrate vegetables and low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.
You will need to calculate how many calories you need daily for your health. Websites can do that for you. However, do not restrict calories, instead restrict carbohydrates, as refined carbohydrates are the major cause of weight gain and obesity.
Refined carbohydrates or also known as "processed" carbohydrates are such things as bread, pizza, cakes, cereals, buns, rolls, ice cream, pasta, tacos, potato chips/crisps, sweets, candy, store bought cooked meats/cold cuts, sausages/hot dog frankfurters cookies, biscuits, chocolate, all sodas, sugars and foods containing corn syrup, etc.
So, what should your daily allowance of carbohydrates for weight loss be?
Well, the answer can vary according to your levels of activity. The can range is from 30 up to 70 grams daily. However, 70 grams daily is extremely generous and is usually only intended for those who are engaging in cardio exercise and weight training.
Therefore, the normal low carbohydrate range is 20 to 45 grams a day. You must determine how strict you need to be but the best way is to experiment but be tough with yourself to begin with, and then discover what amount works well for you as an dieter.
So once you have restricted your daily carbohydrates (rather than calories) the following path is considered the BEST way to do proceed:
Method: Benign Dietary Ketosis
The term "benign dietary ketosis" was in fact supposedly coined by Dr Atkins, from his diet, the Atkins Diet. Ketosis in this case is described to manifest when your body undergoes significant carbohydrate restriction.
The benefits are argued to include an improved state of well being, a suppressed appetite and a substantial loss of pounds and inches. Please note that you should consult your doctor before you decide to eradicate almost all carbohydrates from your diet.
The reason that benign dietary ketosis is suggested to work well is that most obese men and women are insulin resistant, normally without being aware of it. Being resistant to insulin will mean you gain weight quicker and also find it difficult to lose weight as it's considered harder to count calories rather than carbs.
Currently statistics state that 3 out of 4 Americans and adults form Britain are addicted to carbohydrates. Unfortunately, the average dietary daily intake of carbs for Brits and Yanks is about 350 grams. Sadly, most of those carbs are "processed" carbohydrates.
The key therefore to losing body fat quickly is to completely shift your body from burning carbs to burning fats. To achieve this, it is necessary to cut or if not completely eradicate ones intake of "processed" carbohydrates. If you cut your intake of carbohydrates, your bodies metabolism will then automatically shift to burning your fat stores which is when you will begin see your weight drop - quite dramatically in some cases.
Going on a low carb diet however is not unhealthy, as long as you get at least 30 grams of "unprocessed" carbohydrates per day as opposed to 350 grams daily! Make sure you also drink plenty of water and eat a stable diet of quality of proteins and good "healthy" fats.
To see if your are successful at achieving the state of "benign dietary ketosis", you can take a urine test with some Reagant Strips known as "Ketostix" obtainable from your local chemist. Once that the reading appears in the "small" or "trace range", this will mean that your are experiencing a maximum rate of fat loss.
In order to maintain a healthy body there is no minimum daily carb limit, but just make sure you get those carbohydrates from natural sources such as (preferably organic) fresh fish, leafy green vegetables low in starch and not a high carbohydrate fruit such as banana, but low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.
However, it's obvious that regular weight and strength training and cardio exercise such as swimming, walking and cycling are also particularly helpful when your body feels it has lost enough body fat to be able to carry this out with no discomfort.
However, no pain equals no gain as they say, so even if you feel too embarrassed to get down the gym or simply still too overweight, those that succeed simply just get on with it. If your physical appearance is stopping you getting out there, purchase some "free weights" and start working out at in the comfort of your own home. Stick on some tunes and build your own positive mindset.
For example, proper strength training at home or down the gym, will increase your amount of lean muscle, which is your "METABOLIC FURNACE" that will burn extra energy consistently 24 hours a day.
Similarly, brisk walking or some intense cycling for several miles daily will speed up your metabolism. However, if you were to then go on and plow through your weight training program with the assistance of an additional powerful fat burning supplement - during and immediately after your routine - this dietitians argue will help both obese men and women on this diet see the most rapid results.