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Melon diet as a Clever diet to lose the weight

Melon diet
Melon diet 

Melon Diet and winter melons and molasses are so great , full of sweet refreshing vitamins phytochemicals and antioxidants.

If you are looking for a meal on which to base a nutritious diet, you should choose the melons - but be sure to include other foods for different protein, energy and nutrients Melon Diet.
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specs of Melon Diet:

Central Garden notes are melon cucumber plants . It is fleshy pumpkin vines that produce some sweet , like melons ,Clever diet others are not Melon Diet , such as pumpkins and cucumbers. The high water content and low in fat and calories melons values ​​make them ideal weight loss food , and because they are rich in folic acid , vitamin C and potassium , Melon Diet can help prevent birth defects, reduce the risk of disease heart and maintaining optimal blood pressure .

Melon Diet with orange flesh is very good: the potassium of a banana ahead ' S , 325 mg per half cup , beta- carotene,Clever diet to 2,020 mcg per 100 g, is unparalleled among fruits drawn through nutrition and you.
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Calorie Count

Melon Diet system can take many different types , all of which provide fiber, greater and hydration. By USDA figures , watermelon red, a picnic favorite, has 46 calories per cup, the sweetest , spearmint melon has 64 calories per cup,Clever diet cassava white meat has 48 calories per cup and soft texture ,Melon Diet almost creamy . Melon, 60 calories per cup Clever diet, is firmer and more " meaty " good for savory dishes.

Breakfast plentiful salads melon bring color and soda. Coins Melon Diet for breakfast is a classic principle , add a half cup of nonfat cottage cheese or cottage cheese provides 100-160 calories, 15-20 grams of protein and 150-300 mg of calcium Clever diet.

Tortillas have mixed melon aside , since the absorption of iron in your body eggs is enhanced by vitamin C of melon , according to MayoClinic.com . A less common , but breakfast is nutritious melon with mixed salted nuts . Walnuts contribute protein, fiber and essential fatty acids , while the bulk liquid melon calories spreads nuts.
Melon diet

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