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TIGERS DIET,the truth about it.

Tigers diet
tigers diet

Tigers diet

tigers diet

Tigers, despite their sub - Tiger diet species are carnivores .Tigers diet means you do not eat meat and do not consider any vegetation normally to be part of your diet.

To eat, the tiger is chasing its prey Tigers diet , a process which is taught by little mother when only a few months left to train for the survival of their own Tiger diet.

In cases where the food is not available or to help digestion, the tiger eats berries , herbs and different kinds of fruit  Tigers diet.

The preferred prey of tigers is Tiger diet several succulent species of deer and wild boar.

Tigers diet
, of course , depends on the specific area in which the tiger is and what is the most prolific there. In a region that is not well populated by animals , tigers may resort to eating rodents, small birds , insects , etc .

However, the food options common for tigers are sambar , chital ( also known as the spotted deer or axis deer ) , sika deer , nilgai , buffalo , gaur ( a bovine species ) , monkeys,Tigers diet , civets , porcupines , and even fish , frogs , crabs , lizards and snakes.
Tigers diet
Tigers diet

When Tigers diet available and vulnerable , Tiger diet will not hesitate to attack a baby elephant or rhino baby . However, the tiger is not afraid of a dam, and distinguish between healthy adults or weak animals sick relatives. The best conditions tigers are hunting cool, cloudy or the sun sets .

Tigers diet
is very rare that tigers to hunt in pairs or in packs because they are independent and solitary by nature and prefer to hunt alone. They are opportunistic scavengers , but actively hunt and hunt prey  Tiger diet, go looking for it when and if necessary .

 Cat invisible, Tigers diet hidden in the foliage , waiting for the perfect time to participate in an attack on unsuspecting prey . Tiger Attack usually on the side or back , a position in which the dam is not as aware of their presence .

Tigers diet is the best!.

 She inches Tiger diet forward slowly until reaching a distance you can go ahead and take the prey before it has a chance to escape. Usually pounces on its prey , with front claws to catch their prey by the neck , shoulders and / or back Tigers diet .

As is pulled tightly to his victim on the ground, using their powerful jaws to break the neck (behind the head) or tear the throat .

Tigers diet
means that the victim will have the shortest, least stressful possible death .

Tiger power

Once the prey has been captured and (usually ) killed , Tiger diet will be dragged to a secluded spot for the hunter can enjoy in peace and security.

several days. Therefore,Tigers diet  was created with the ability to consume up to 40 pounds (18 kg) of food at once .

If the body is in a safe place , the tiger may be able to return for a few days and enjoy the convenient food . Same flesh began to rot not deter the cat hole .

 A death is once every eight days with only a fraction of the attempts to succeed. If she is able to do a tiger can hunt other hunters away from their prey and eat their prey.

Tigers diet.

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