Lung Decortication |
Lung Decortication
Lung Decortication
Lung Decortication is a term used to refer to the removal of a scab or crust. In a medical context , the term set means the outer layer of Lung lobectomy fibrous tissue that covers a body.
In most cases, Lung Decortication is used in the treatment of certain lung diseases , including tuberculosis and mesothelioma.
People use this technique since the 20th century ,Lung lobectomy and it is important to note that this is an interim measure , not a cure .
In lung decortication , the most common form of this procedure, the patient is placed under general anesthesia and the chest cavity is opened .
Lung Decortication |
The surgeon identifies areas of the pleura that have become fibrous and marked , and lung Removal.
Then , the surgical Lung Decortication site is closed and the patient is taken out of anesthesia.
This surgery is important and very invasive and lung Removal requires several days of surveillance at the hospital after the surgery is completed to confirm that a patient is recovering well .
Lung Decortication is usually performed because pleural thickening causing pain or discomfort to the patient. If the thickening go far enough Lung lobectomy, can lead to difficulty breathing because the lungs have difficulty involved can inflate because it can push the pleura on the road.
This can lead to shortness of breath and a cascade of other doctors and patients struggling with the lack of oxygen problems