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Lung Decortication is better than lung lobectomy

Lung Decortication
Lung Decortication

Lung Decortication

Lung Decortication

 Lung Decortication article is the first of what is hoped to be a series of annual contributions by the Subcommittee on the surgical treatment of diseases of the chest on a controversial issue or thoracic surgery later lung lobectomy.Lung Decortication The President wishes to express its gratitude for the assistance and cooperation of the participating Member honest.

We present the Lung Decortication current state of our thinking about the different aspects of debarking procedures pulmonary tuberculosis.

The indications for the procedure are numerous and have been identified Lung Decortication. It also lists the data necessary for preoperative evaluation lung lobectomy. Most important in this regard is the examination of the pre  Lung Decortication- collapse of X-ray films of the chest. Bronchoscopy is considered a necessary factor in the evaluation of most candidates for the procedure.

 Bronchography occasionally indicated .Lung Decortication Laminagrams are required only in special circumstances .lung removal Studies of lung function are desirable in all future cases to better assess functional outcome .

One case report has suggested that lung lobectomy a significant improvement in oxygen consumption by the lungs barking can be obtained Lung Decortication. Operation pulmonary decortication has several different objectives for improving lung function. They are listed in the text.

lung lobectomy specific issues related to lung removal assessment of patients, pre-operative observation methods , technical aspects of the operation and methods of post-Lung Decortication  operative treatment .

1- shucking of pulmonary tuberculosis is a useful intervention Lung Decortication .

2 - This is a dangerous operation in the lung lobectomy presence of tuberculous empyema , especially mixed infections in which the organisms are offensive resistant tuberculosis to streptomycin .

3)-pulmonary decortication can be valuable in restoring Lung Decortication function.

4-areas of significant severe tuberculosis should not be open, but should be treated with concomitant or Lung Decortication  subsequent resection thoracoplasty . Selective decortication is the procedure of choice in cases of less extensive disease.

5- bearing cavity areas should not be allowed to complete re-expansion .

6-The thickness and character of the shell does not necessarily affect the expected results of the operation .

7- The presence of pleural fluid is not considered significant unless certain empyema . In empyema Lung Decortication , we recommend removing the pleural intact capsule.

8 - technical factors play an important role in the removal operation parietal and visceral shells , the movement of the diaphragm lung lobectomy, lung correct intussusception , and avoid damage to the phrenic nerve and other structures subpleural .

9) An adequate drainage lung removal, a patent airway ,Lung Decortication chemotherapy and chest exercises early rehabilitation are important factors that influence the postoperative success.

10) A paralyzed diaphragm prevents efficient operation.

11) wall of the shell must be removed in all patients .

12) the sputum tests must be negative for at least one year prior to surgery in the simple case decortication average lung lobectomy, although a longer period is generally preferable.

13 ) The state of the disease in the contralateral lung may vary according to the needs and indications for decortication .

14) The type and severity of the underlying disease parenchymal collapse before the most important factors are the length of the collapse . Procedures after nine successful years of collapse and 14 are recorded.

15) operating experience with 66 cases lung lobectomy indicate that the procedure has proved of great value in 56 cases .

Lung Decortication

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