Lung Decortication
Lung Decortication
Pleurectomy / Lung Decortication ( P / D ) is a surgical procedure that is performed in patients with pleural mesothelioma . P / D removes the lining around the lungs .
If the tumor has spread to the lung itself , Lung Decortication can be used to try to remove the entire tumor. In these Lung removal, P / D can increase the lifespan of pleural mesothelioma patients , especially when the procedure is combined with other treatments lung lobectomy such as chemotherapy .
Patients undergoing Lung Decortication typically have a longer life expectancy than other patients with pleural mesothelioma . P / A is also associated with few complications and low mortality . However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone.
It has the best results in patients who are healthy and who are still in the early stages of pleural mesothelioma . If patients are at a later stage lung lobectomy, the cancer has spread Lung Decortication and P / D probably can not remove the entire tumor growth.
Patients who are not good candidates for P / D lung lobectomy may have other treatment options such as surgical pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy Lung Decortication .
About the procedure
As the name suggests , pleurectomy / Lung Decortication is a procedure that combines two parts pleurectomy and decortication . Mesothelioma Experienced surgeons perform the entire procedure in about 5 hours. Pleurectomie is the first main part and Lung removal.
Lung removal is the opening of the chest cavity and the removal of the pleura Lung Decortication. lung lobectomy is placed on its side to give the surgeon more direct access to the thoracic cavity .
Bombing is the second part of a short Lung Decortication / lung lobectomyP D. Removed tumor masses that grow inside the lining. When the two parts are combined , P / D can help patients live longer and have fewer symptoms .
Part 1: Pleurectomy
PleurectomÃa portion P / Lung Decortication is performed by a surgeon chest. The surgeon begins by making a long incision along the chest , called extended posterolateral thoracotomy incision lung lobectomy . Cutting occurs on the back near the sixth or seventh rib at the top and continues until the breast, parallel to the spine , and then bent outward to extend parallel to the ribs. Lung Decortication type of incision is ideal for maximum exposure of the chest cavity
. If the tumor extends lower in the thoracic cavity,lung lobectomy a second incision can be made about the eighth or ninth rib .
Once the thoracic surgeon has access to the thoracic cavity , removes the parietal pleura , which is the outer layer of the pleura. The lung itself is left intact Lung Decortication . This part of the method may also include removing a portion of the coating of the chest wall , heart lining and the membrane liner bag.
Part 2: The bombings
Lung removal takes off his shirt Lung Decortication, the surgeon passes are picked , the second half of the P / D. This part of the process is faster and less complicated because the chest cavity and is exposed. Shelling is the removal of all visible tumor growth in the area. The surgeon can scratch the affected lung to eliminate possible lung lobectomy growth of cancer.
While the chest cavity is exposed ,Lung Decortication for doctors wrap hot area with gauze or other methods to aid blood clotting and minimize blood loss .lung lobectomy Once the pleura and the tumors were removed , mesothelioma thoracic surgeon meets the initial incision closed.
This small portion of the surgery Lung Decortication , revolutionized by Robert Cameron , MD , in the mid 1990s , is what lung lobectomy P / D from pleurectomy and makes potentially curative procedure .
Postoperative recovery
pleurectomy recovery
In the days after Lung Decortication, P / D , chest wall can continue to lose small amounts of blood and air leakage can occur in the region. For this reason, patients can expect a short hospital stay of about a week after surgery to control . Doctors recommend that patients who practice deep breathing exercises while in the hospital to prevent infection Lung Decortication .
After the patients were discharged from the hospital, full recovery takes several weeks .
Patients continue to experience symptoms after recovery may be eligible to receive additional treatment , such as pulmonary rehabilitation Lung Decortication, in order to further facilitate breathing and reducing symptoms.