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Melon Diet,The best of best of it!

Melon Diet
Melon Diet

Sure melon is a favorite Melon Diet of many people and  not in vain fruit . Melon many acids, vitamin C and PP , pectin , carotene , calcium, magnesium, iron , phosphorus and sulfur. And the main thing is that the melon is rich in tough plant cellulose .

Melon Diet So can quench melon therefore provide a lot of energy , the division of fat , eliminate cholesterol, milk and salt from the body. As a result , your skin becomes more beautiful and healthy. I offer the recipe for melon diet for a week with the same menu.
Breakfast:Melon Diet 1 cup of cooked rice without salt ,Clever diet serve with 1 teaspoon soy sauce. And green or herbal tea without sugar.

Dinner: 200 g of vegetable salad.Melon Diet Variations of salad Clever diet - a) cucumbers, tomatoes, onion , 1 tablespoon olive oil soup , b ) cucumbers , tomatoes, cabbage , onions, vegetables , lemon juice for the service, c) cucumbers, beets and boiled carrots, garlic , vegetables , lemon juice , 1 tablespoon sour cream.

 Then the main course of your choice - a) boiled fish, b ) white meat chicken , c) curds , d) lightly cooked egg. And berries or fruit infusion ( pour 2 tablespoons of fruit with 1 ½ cups of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes, then filtered or Melon Diet replace the berries in half an apple or pear).

Dinner ( 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ) :Clever diet Pieces of melon slowly melon 1 kg to 30 kg of weight. Calorie diet that is more than 1200 calories  Melon Diet, but you will lose weight. This is the paradox of power melon. In my view, such a system is best for people who suffer from a lack of calories, and it is very active.

There are a few rules of diet melon. Do not eat sugar, potatoes, starches and sweets in this week. Do not eat food with Clever diet . It goes hand in hand with Melon Diet other products .

 Do not drink after melons except white wine. Do not add the melon fruit salad . Please keep these rules. Melon is a very fickle fruit .

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