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Melon Diet tricks for you!

Melon Diet
Melon Diet

Melon Diet

Melon Diet

Melon diet - one of the most effective. Compliance with the plan gives very rapid and remarkable. With diet melon can be good to clean the kidneys.

Daily menu with diet includes 1-1.5 kg melon melons. Dinner should be the same intervals. Between meals, Melon Diet drink plain water without gas or herbal tea . 

The day should drink about 2 liters of fluid . The tea can be prepared in your favorite herbs . We recommend you to choose soothing herbs that help prevent stress.

It is best to sit at the Melon Diet of  clever diet . 

There is a wide range of different varieties of melons. Melons are distinguished by color, shape, size , place of origin .

 Menu of Melon Diet:

1 . Breakfast: 300-400 g of purified Melon Diet.

Two . Lunch: from 200 to 300 ml of kefir.

Three . Lunch: 100 - 200g of boiled rice , 300-400 g of purified melon, a glass of water or green tea .

April. Dinner: 100 grams of rice , 100 grams of cooked meat (chicken or chicken), for garnish can make a raw salad .

The benefits of water-melon:

    Doctors recommend the use of a melon for the efficient purification of the Watermelon Diet gastrointestinal tract.
    Melons, such as watermelon ,clever diet diuretic effect.

    For this reason,Melon Diet beneficial effect of melon on the process of hematopoiesis , is useful for the heart and nervous system.

    In the  contains many vitamins B , C, A , iron, magnesium , potassium, phosphorus.
    Immunity, effectively help infectious diseases of liver disease.

    Melon body showed bad cholesterol and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

    Another notable feature of melons - Diet Regular use can delay aging bodies . As such, melon useful for anyone over 40 years.

Key benefits melon supply :

1 . You will not be hungry and tired quickly, because the melon not only nourishes, but also gives a lot of strength and energy.

Two . The Melon Diet acts as a natural fat separator , prompting the body of bad cholesterol and heavy animal fats. Melon promotes rejuvenation , increases vitality and provides extra energy .

Three . Melon Diet contains a large number of fibers , which promotes a healthy digestive system , helps to cleanse the body of toxins and slags, excess salt .

Watermelon diet is not recommended for patients with diabetes. Before starting a diet consult a qualified professional.

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